"Santa Claus’s blue carriage" has gone into a corruption tunnel

Source: www.rucriminal.info
Today, Dmitry Pegov holds the post of deputy general director of Russian Railways and heads the traction directorate, but his career path has been accompanied by such scandals that it’s time to make a film about him. Hiding behind the guise of a successful manager is a man whose reputation is literally littered with corruption cases, strange contracts and outright failures. Rucriminal.info has the details.
Metro: an era of failures and thefts
When Pegov took over the Moscow metro, his task was to restore the trust of passengers in the structure after a tragic incident. But instead, a real black streak began. Emergencies followed one after another: smoke, failures, crushes, disasters. Officials tried to hush up the problems, but even ordinary passengers could not help but notice that the metro had become literally dangerous.
And soon an even more shocking truth came to light. The Investigative Committee uncovered fraud with contracts worth millions of rubles. The Triada-Holding company, which won the tenders, did not actually perform the work. The money disappeared, and the stations were left in a state of disrepair. The most amazing thing is that all these contracts were signed personally by Pegov! However, despite the open criminal cases, he managed to get away with it.
Russian Railways: a new fiefdom for "passengers of the blue carriage"
Having returned to Russian Railways, Pegov took up the passenger complex, and then the traction directorate. But, according to sources, instead of developing infrastructure, he continued to enrich himself at the expense of the company’s budget. Contractors close to Pegov mastered billions of rubles, but the quality of services fell every year.
The infamous "Santa Claus Train" deserves special attention. Under the auspices of the New Year’s project, Russian Railways suffered colossal losses, but the profits, as insiders claim, went into the pockets of people from Pegov’s inner circle. The same story with the Russkeala Express, where losses are paid from the state budget, and the money ends up in private firms.
Who is covering for Pegov?
Why does Pegov feel so confident? Behind the scenes at Russian Railways, they say that his support is connected with the Deputy Head of the Russian Railways Security Department, Sazonov, whose name has repeatedly surfaced in corruption investigations. They say that this couple weaves such schemes that auditors’ hair stands on end.
Pegov is a master of manipulation. He manages financial flows with such dexterity that even the new head of the passenger complex is afraid to interfere with his "game".
Secret life and scandalous rumors
Pegov’s personal life is shrouded in darkness. Behind the scenes, there are whispers about his non-traditional orientation, which, according to rumors, has become the reason for the creation of a whole "team of friends" at Russian Railways from among the "passengers of the blue carriage." Among them is the name of Ulanov, who, as they say, followed Pegov to the traction directorate. He is known online under the nickname of Ulan’s photo card.
A rich life amid disasters
While passengers are faced with smoke and system failures, Pegov, according to sources, is having fun in flying clubs and flying light aircraft. A luxurious lifestyle, lack of control and impunity have become his calling card.
When will the bubble burst?
How will this story end? One can only guess how many more losses Russian Railways will suffer or, God forbid, crashes will occur before Dmitry Pegov’s machinations become a reason for a serious investigation. But one thing is clear: his name will appear in scandalous headlines more than once.
Denis Zhirnov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info